Crime News: യുവതിയെ പീഡിപ്പിച്ച ശേഷം വിദേശത്തേക്ക് കടക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ച പ്രതി പിടിയിൽ

പത്തനംതിട്ട: വാടകയ്ക്ക് താമസിക്കാൻ വീട് തരപ്പെടുത്താമെന്ന് പറഞ്ഞ് യുവതിയെ വിളിച്ചുകൊണ്ട് പോയി ലൈംഗികമായി പീഡിപ്പിച്ച പ്രതി പോലീസ് പിടിയിൽ. കോന്നി കോയിപ്പുറത്ത്…

Two Malappuram youths booked for sexually assaulting minor girl after drugging her

Two Malappuram youths booked for sexually assaulting minor girl after drugging her | Kerala News |…

Kerala HC raises concern over alarming rise in cases outraging women's modesty

Kerala HC raises concern over alarming rise in cases outraging women’s modesty | Kerala News |…

Acquittal in sexual abuse case after settlement not honourable: Govt rejects sacked Kerala cop's petition

The state government has rejected the review petition filed by former circle inspector Sunu P R,…

Kasaragod police arrest KSRTC conductor for sexually assaulting minor boy during journey

Kasaragod police arrest KSRTC conductor for sexually assaulting minor boy during journey | Onmanorama News |…

Four held for sexual abuse of minor girl in Adoor

Four held for sexual abuse of minor girl in Adoor | Pathanamthitta News …

Hema Committee: Registering FIRs without evidence or witness statements not tenable, says Supreme Court

New Delhi: While lauding the women who came forward to file complaints of sexual abuse against…

Wayanad man held for threatening and sexually abusing tribal woman

Wayanad man held for threatening and sexually abusing tribal woman | Kerala News | Onmanorama …

45-year-old teacher remanded in custody for sexually abusing minor girls

45-year-old teacher remanded in custody for sexually abusing minor girls | Kerala News | Onmanorama …

Obscene remarks: Boby Chemmannur taken into custody from Coimbatore

Obscene remarks: Boby Chemmannur taken into custody from Wayanad | Onmanorama News | Kerala News …

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